Enjoy Phasing Player? Consider a donation!
I started Phasing Player as an excuse for me to talk about the sorts of games I like. I'm thankful that it's given me the chance to do just that, but now I want to grow it to do even more and with a donation you can help make that a reality. I am not just talking nicer equipment, but a larger scope for the type of content I can create. Why aren't there many documentaries out there about board games? What do people all around the world enjoy as far as gaming goes, in places like Nigeria, Japan, or Cuba? Why can't we just crack open a few beers and sit down with some of the coolest designers in the industry to chat about games, movies, and their favorite falafal joint down the way?
I want to explore these options in addition to the videos we already put out like our live streams and tutorials. It's also important to me to pay people for their work, and while most of my edited videos are 100% done by me, our bi-weekly live streams have a working crew that are kind enough to work for free, and I'd like to have the money to pass something their way. If you're able to spare a dime, here are a some ways to do that:
Regardless of if you're able to give a one-time donation or are a regular contributor, thank you so much! It means a whole lot to me and is supremely validating in ways that's hard to communicate properly. Even $1 goes a long way in letting me know that at some level the stuff I am creating is appealing to more than just me and that's a strong motivator to keep doing it.